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We have complied a list of useful online radio astronomy resources for our students - we will continue to add more resources to this list.

Essential Radio Astronomy (ERA) grew from lecture notes for the one-semester radio astronomy course taken by all astronomy graduate students at the University of Virginia. The website can display large galleries of color images, link to interactive demonstrations and relevant articles on the web, present problem sets and solutions, and be updated frequently to present new findings or report errata from the book.

This website is structured as support for the Radio Astronomy book - lots of interesting material there for students to read.

A series of online seminars “The sharpest view of the radio Universe: VLBI – Connecting Astronomers Worldwide”. Seven speakers will cover 7 different science topics, and the talks will occur roughly every 7 weeks between early July 2020 and the EVN Symposium, which has been rescheduled to July 12-16, 2021. These talks will illustrate how Very Long Baseline Interferometry can improve our understanding of many astronomical phenomena, from stars to galaxies, and the talks are aimed at a broad astronomical audience.

As a service to the community, the American Astronomical Society (AAS) is compiling a list of live-streamed astronomy presentations and events — both those intended for professional astronomers and those intended for a wider audience. 

This is a 3-speaker e-seminar on "The Event Horizon Telescope" aimed at a scientifically literate but not specialist audience. 

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